Category Archives: Announcements

Application Period Extended to June 20 for Utility of the Future Today Recognition Program

Global program enters second year of celebrating excellent performance 
and innovative and sustainable utility management practices
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The application period has been extended to June 20 for the 2017 Utility of the Future Today Recognition Program. Now in its second year, the program seeks to promote and recognize utilities that are building on a foundation of excellent management and help small, medium, and large utilities transform their operations over time.

“The innovations coming to the water sector present an opportunity for a shift in the way utilities think about and solve long-standing challenges,” said WEF Executive Director Eileen O’Neill. “WEF and the other partners are excited to recognize and salute those utilities that are embracing innovative ways to better serve their communities.”

The Utility of the Future activity areas focus on the key building blocks of this transformation:

  • recovery and new uses of a full range of resources;
  • engagement as a leader in the full water cycle and broader social, economic, and environmental sustainability of the community;
  • transformation of the internal utility culture in support of these innovations; and
  • engagement in the community and formation of partnerships necessary for success when operating outside of the traditional span of control of the utility.
Public and private water resource recovery facilities of all sizes are encouraged to apply by 5 p.m. EDT, June 20, 2017. Applicants must have no major permit violations in the past year prior to the submission date of their applications. Honorees will be notified by July 28 and formally recognized during an awards ceremony at WEFTEC 2017—WEF’s 90th annual technical exhibition and conference—this October in Chicago.

“EPA is proud to support and provide advice for the Utility of the Future Today Recognition Program and we commend our association colleagues for their leadership,” said James Horne, Sustainability Program Manager, Office of Wastewater Management at EPA.  “The program recognizes a range of utilities that have truly embraced the future as 21st century service providers and it also aligns with EPA’s priorities to promote sustainability across the water sector.”

Since the Utility of the Future concept was introduced in 2013, many utilities have successfully implemented new and creative programs to address local wastewater technical and community challenges. The recognition program was launched last year by four water sector organizations—the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Water Environment & Research Foundation (WE&RF) and WateReuse—with support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The recognition program’s first 61 honorees were featured during WEFTEC 2016 in New Orleans.

5th Annual Produced Water Quality Recycling & Reuse

Dates: 26 – 27 October, 2016

Where: Denver, Colorado


Contact Name: Arun Mandalia

Contact Info:

Short Description: The 5th Annual Produced Water Quality Recycling & Reuse 2016, looks not only at where the industry is today but also at the anticipated ramp up. And for the first time, operator case studies will be backed by regulatory updates to deliver a holistic 360° view on water management in the Rockies.


FW&PCOA – Accepting Annual Safety Award Nominations

  The Florida Water & Pollution Control Operators Association (FW&PCOA) advocates that in order for a utility to be successful, it must incorporate a sound safety and health program into its standard operating procedures. A good safety program must embody proper attitudes toward injury and illness prevention by employers, supervisors, and employees. It requires cooperation on all safety and health matters, not only between the employer and employee, but also between employees and their co-workers.

In recognition of the importance of safety, the FW&PCOA presents awards each year to facilities that employ our members and have an outstanding safety performance record during the previous calendar year. Plaques are presented at the annual Awards Luncheon held in conjunction with the Fall State Short School in August.

The award criteria take into consideration the size of each facility and its number of employees so that smaller facilities can compete fairly with larger ones. The following criteria are also included:

  • The utility or plant does NOT have to be totally accident free to be eligible.
  • The documentation requested in the application form is not mandatory, but it does aid the committee in its decisions and therefore can be an asset for the applicant.


Nominations must be submitted to the following address, post marked no later than June 1, 2016.

Peter M. Tyson
FW&PCOA Safety Chairman
PO Box 510071
Key Colony Beach, FL 33051-0071

Florida Water Resources Conference – FREE Exhibit Floor Pass

Free Pass to Walk the Exhibit Floor 

Want to see what is new this year in equipment? Talk to exhibitors? Employer won’t cover registration fee? Stop by and walk the exhibit floor for free. Register for name badge to gain access.

Discounted Parking for FWRC group!

Orlando Wetlands Festival

Come and enjoy the Orlando Wetlands Festival on Saturday, February 20, 2016, from 9am-3pm at Fort Christmas Historical Park. The Orlando Wetlands Festival is an opportunity to celebrate the Orlando Wetlands Park, the City’s 1,650 acre wetland oasis. The event is sponsored by: City of Orlando, Orange Audubon Society, and Orange County Parks and Recreation.

On February 20, 2016, experience this unique wetland treatment system with the entire family. Event co-sponsor, Orange Audubon Society, will lead guided bird-watching excursions. The Florida Native Plant Society will lead native plant identification hikes; while, the Florida Trail Association will be providing wilderness hikes. Bring your camera and join guided photo hike led by professional photographers.

There will be many interactive children’s activities (like Out-On-A-Limb kids tree climbing), bounce houses and much more! So bring the whole family and invite your friends and neighbors to this fun, free educational festival. Please leave your pets at home; there are wild animals. Food will be available for purchase. Free admission and free door prizes! For more information: call Orlando Wetlands Park 407.568.1706.

For those who like to sit and ride, guided bus tours will travel along the wetland berms, giving riders a chance to experience firsthand, Florida’s wild wetlands. Hay rides will also give riders a chance to relax and take in the scenery.

In addition to the numerous guided tours, there will be bird-banding and mist-netting demonstrations, as well as, live music by Homer Stiles. Featured in the various wildlife shows, many different live animals will be present such as alligators, snakes, birds and many others. Also, the City’s Families, Parks and Recreation Department will be giving away free backyard trees in celebration of Arbor Day.

For more information and event reminders visit:

Event Website:


To get to the Park, take S.R. 50 to Christmas, Florida. Turn north onto 420, Ft. Christmas Rd. Continue north 1.8 miles. Fort Christmas Park will be on your left. Free parking will be located on your right across from Fort Christmas Park. The address is 1300 North Fort Christmas Road, Christmas, FL 32709.