Category Archives: Current News

AWWA Unveils Water Map Prototype During Source Water Protection Week 

The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is introducing a prototype of its new AWWA Water Map during the Source Water Protection Week campaign that runs through September 30.

The platform features several interactive elements that provide water sector professionals with the ability to explore successful utility case studies, locate nearby AWWA conferences, and obtain information about AWWA sections and regions.

The annual Source Water Protection Week highlights the critical importance of safeguarding drinking water sources and shares strategies that communities, utilities, and decision makers can implement to protect their local water sources. Using this prototype water map, users can access case studies that demonstrate successful source water protection programs near them.

Some notable features of the water map prototype include:

  • Interactive elements. Users can customize their AWWA water map experience using filtering tools, search functions, map design elements, and table features to curate a selection of case study materials tailored to their interests.
  • AWWA conferences. The prototype includes an upcoming conferences page, enabling users to identify and explore AWWA’s conferences across North America, providing valuable insights into events closest to them.
  • Sections and regions. With an updated mapping resource of AWWA sections, users can access AWWA water map content specific to their AWWA section and region.

The AWWA water map allows users to share and exchange knowledge within the water sector. Several of the case studies feature source water protection solutions, with success stories from:

“The AWWA water map is a dynamic and collaborative effort to bring forward the wealth of water system information that AWWA has to offer, but in a visually informative setting,” said Casey Rodriguez, AWWA water resources mapping specialist. “We’re excited to showcase such amazing source water protection projects in this prototype version, along with their organizations, and provide recognition for their ingenuity and adaptability to current water issues across the continent.”

The AWWA water map prototype will be freely accessible to the public; however, as part of AWWA’s commitment to its members, the final version of the AWWA water map (available in 2024) will be an exclusive benefit for AWWA members.

To learn more about Source Water Protection Week visit

To explore the AWWA water map prototype visit

State of the Water Industry (SOTWI) Survey

Dear Water Professionals,

As we have since 2004, AWWA is conducting the annual State of the Water Industry (SOTWI) survey. Please make your voice heard by sharing your views on key water industry challenges, critical concerns, and emerging opportunities.  The survey takes about 10 minutes and you do not have to be a member to participate.

Everyone who completes the survey is eligible to enter our drawing for one of ten $50 Amazon Gift Codes (with the option to donate to the Water Equation instead) and all will receive a promo code for 10 percent off your AWWA publication purchase at the AWWA Store. To take the survey, please click the link below!

Follow this link to the Survey: 

Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:

Your responses are voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. As in previous years, aggregate results will be provided through the website and the Journal – American Water Works Association. If you have any questions, please send them to

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts and shape the water industry.

Dawn M. Flancher, P.E.
Sr. Manager Technical and Research Programs
American Water Works Association

Water Poll: Will U.S. Voters Support Future Candidates Based on Water Reliability and Funding for Aging Infrastructure?

How do voters across the United States rate the condition of the country’s water infrastructure, and are current funding levels high enough to support businesses and communities? The U.S. Water Infrastructure Funding and Business Risks Survey, from the American Business Water Coalition (ABWC), answers these questions and determines key issues, including how views about the quality of drinking water stack up against the growing perception of water infrastructure in disrepair, and voters’ desire for Congress to fix it for future generations.

With unprecedented cuts to the Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds being proposed by Congress, ABWC will publish the findings of the survey, including a detailed survey document and executive summary, on Wednesday, Sept. 20, 2023, at 9 a.m. ET. To download the survey results and the national press release visit

In addition to views on the business-related impacts of water, the survey examines the level of U.S. voter support for elected officials who back increased funding for clean and reliable drinking water. It also examines whether voters are inclined to not elect representatives who don’t support increased funding for safe drinking water.

The ABWC is a group of water-reliant businesses—from manufacturing to energy to technology and beyond. The coalition provides a platform for businesses across the country to urge Congress to increase investment in water infrastructure and foster relationships between businesses and their local utilities.


In the September 2023 issue of FWRJ the CEU Challenge column on page 59 includes questions for the article, “Alternative Management Strategies to Prevent Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances From Entering Water Supplies,” which will not be published in the magazine until January 2024. Both the article and the questions from the column will appear in that issue.

The magazine regrets the error.

AWWA Enters Memorandum of Understanding with the Association for Materials Protection and Performance

Recognizing the importance of protecting assets from corrosion in water and wastewater systems, the American Water Works Association (AWWA) and the Association for Materials Protection and Performance (AMPP) have announced an agreement to collaborate to benefit their members and the wider public.

The cooperative agreement will “help to promulgate knowledge and technologies that protect people, assets, and the environment from the effects of corrosion.” It opens the door for cooperation on events and webinars, technical information exchange and research, and the possibility of collaboration in countries outside of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, particularly India.

“Every good water utility manager understands that protecting pipes and other assets is critical to maintaining strong, healthy water systems,” said David LaFrance, AWWA chief executive officer. “AWWA looks forward to tapping into the experience and expertise of AMPP through this new collaboration.”

Stated Amir Eliezer, AMPP board chair, “On behalf of AMPP’s global members and leadership, I extend our appreciation as we embark on this mutually beneficial relationship with AWWA. Expanding our international reach allows us to share corrosion-related knowledge and cutting-edge technologies with regions facing distinct challenges and needs with water systems, so establishing partnerships like this fosters progress and ensures success in the industry.”