February 2024

January 2024

It’s the 75th Anniversary of FWRJ in 2024 and You’re Invited to Help Us Celebrate!

Since 1949, the Florida Water Resources Journal (FWRJ) has been providing pertinent, topical, and up-to-the-minute information about water and wastewater to the managers, engineers, chemists, operators, manufacturers, product developers, academicians, board members, students, and others who make up this vital industry and provide the public with clean, safe, and abundant water.

The monthly magazine is supported by the Florida Section American Water Works Association (FSAWWA), Florida Water Environment Association (FWEA), and Florida Water and Pollution Control Operators Association. The readership for FWRJ, the largest and most-read publication of its kind in the state of Florida and the entire Southeast, is over 8,500. You can view past issues of the magazine at www.fwrj.com.

A Year-Long Celebration

We’re very excited about this upcoming event. Every issue in 2024 will include advertising and other content that celebrates FWRJ, the industry, and your company’s involvement with your products or services.

How You Can Be Involved


Both display advertising and display cards are available to help publicize your company and what it has to offer. Prices and ad specifications can be found at www.fwrj.com. You can tailor your advertising to note FWRJ’s anniversary and tout your company’s accomplishments over the years.

Technical Content

The Journal is looking for technical articles to keep its readers uptodateonthelatesttechnology and innovations and it’s a great way for you to reach a large number or people with information they can use in their careers. Articles are generally accepted 60 days before inclusion in a particular issue. The editorial calendar for the magazine can also be found at www.fwrj.com.

Another way to reach your customers is with Technology Spotlight, which gives you, with an article and paid advertisement, the ability to promote both your technology and your company.

Come Join Us!

I’m happy to provide any information you need about helping us celebrate this publishing milestone. You can email me at mike@fwrj.com or feel free to call me at 352.241.6006.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Mike Delaney
General Manager
Florida Water Resources Journal

December 2023

November 2023