May 2020

WEFTEC to be Held in October

The Water Environment Federation announced on Wednesday that WEFTEC — scheduled for Oct. 3-7 in New Orleans — will be held this year. The event’s format will evolve as needed for COVID-19. “During these challenging times it is vital that our sector continues to learn and engage, and WEF will hold WEFTEC this year, whether in hybrid form with both in-person activities and online components or as a full virtual event,” WEF stated in a press release.

Call for Papers for June FWRJ

The theme for the June issue of the Florida Water Resources Journal is biosolids and bioenergy. If you have a technical paper or a feature article on one of these topics and would like it published in the magazine, please send a copy in Word by May 1 to:

Rick Harmon
FWRJ editor

April 2020

ACE20 Update and Timeline

AWWA has released an update on their website for ACE20. I encourage everyone to read the update (excerpt below) in its entirety – but the biggest “take-away” is that the Association will be making a determination by Thursday, April 16 whether the conference will take place as scheduled.
ACE20 update and timeline
AWWA’s first core principle is the protection of public health. This principle informs our actions during normal times and especially during the COVID-19 crisis. It will continue to guide our decisions related to upcoming AWWA conferences and events.
We know many of you are waiting to hear if the AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE20), June 14-17 in Orlando, Florida will proceed as planned. We know the uncertainty is difficult, and we thank you for your patience as we determine the best path forward.
AWWA will determine by Thursday, April 16 whether the conference will take place as scheduled on site or if circumstances require a change of plans. In making that decision, we are consulting with:
  • Leading public health authorities, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Health Canada.
  • Florida state and local public health authorities
  • The Orange County Convention Center
  • AWWA volunteer leaders and business partners
We will continue to communicate through regular AWWA e-mails as this situation develops, and please check back to this page for updates. We are also happy to talk with you by phone or email. 1-800-926-7337 or
Thank you for your patience during these difficult times, your participation in AWWA events, and most importantly, for your commitment to our common goal of protecting public health through safe and reliable water.
You will find details related to event cancellations or postponements on the Events and Education web page.
Please share this information with colleagues / industry contacts, and let us know if you should have any questions. Thanks for everyone’s patience during these uncertain times.
Stay safe –