November 2022

AWWA Industry Trends and Growth Survey

Dear Water Professional,
A reminder that AWWA is conducting a survey to collect feedback on industry
trends and growth. Share your voice and contribute to 20 years of high-quality
water industry data.
The survey will close in November, but please take it as soon as you can.
This survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Individual
responses are held strictly confidential and will be reported in aggregate
only. All questions are optional, and you may skip questions you would prefer
not to answer.
>Take the survey
As a thank you for your time, we are raffling off several $50 gift cards.
Entering the raffle is voluntary and your entry will not be linked to your
survey responses.
Feel free to share the survey with others! Send this link to your colleagues
in the water industry in the US, Canada, and Mexico and invite them to give
their opinions as well:
Please send any questions or concerns to
Thank you in advance for your contribution to this effort.
Erin Messner
Program Manager
American Water Works Association
Direct +1 303.347.6236 <>